Monday, October 28, 2013

Just Open Up and Let It Come Out

Far too often, I find myself wanting desperately to give people advice they don’t necessarily want from me.  Sadly, many of these people are fictional, but it does not stop me from wanting to save them from themselves.  That’s just one of the downfalls of being an avid reader of fiction.

Right now, I am listening to a novel about a couple of senseless sisters whose avoidance tactics have not only ruined their lives, but also the lives of their daughters and granddaughters.  It seems that the steadfast stubborn-as-a-mule trait of keeping unnecessary secrets runs pretty strongly in this family.

See, Sister #1 runs away with Sister #2’s boyfriend to escape their brutal stepfather who is sexually abusing her.  The plan is that once they are safely in Chicago, #1 and the BF will send a letter and train ticket to Sister #2 so she can join them in Chicago, and they can all live happily ever after.

Only Sister #2 won’t open the many letters that her sister sends her because she is mad at her and instead burns them all unopened.  

I know I’m supposed to willingly suspend my disbelief in these situations but I still want my fictional characters to act in a way that makes some semblance of sense.  How could she resist?  Wasn't she even the least bit curious about what her sister had to say?  Of course, if Sister #2 were in Pandora’s place, I guess we wouldn’t have any evil in the world. 

"Now if you had just opened that damn letter, you and generations of your family wouldn’t be in this miserable mess, would you?”  I find myself telling Sister #2 over and over again.

As for those tight-lipped younger generation members I implore them, in my finest Irish brogue, to "Just open your mouth and let it come out" channeling Mrs. Paroo from The Music Man. 

Let me tell you all this secret-telling would never fly among my sisters.  It's not that we can't keep secrets if we have to.  You might remember that very recently I kept the secret that my son was going to propose to his girlfriend for 100 long days.  No, it's just that there are too many of us to keep track of who knows what.  It's just easier to tell each other everything. 

Well I could go on but I really want to get back to the book.   I did not travel through 70 years as  told through the viewpoints of seven different women (so far) to stop reading before I find out whether any one of these gals actually bucks up and has an honest conversation with someone.

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