Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ain't We Got Fun?

Ev'ry morning, ev'ry evening…
In the Winter in the Summer...
Hot or cold days, any old days...
In the meantime…in between time…
Aint we got fun?
                  -Richard A. Whiting, Gus Kahn, Ray Egan

My husband and I just celebrated our ninth wedding anniversary, and when it comes to our marriage every day is worthy of celebration.  He is the love of my life and my best friend.  We care for each other and support each other unconditionally.

But, just as important is the fact that we amuse each other.

For some reason, my husband decided to befriend me when I was going through three of the top five stressful life events that the Holmes and Rahe stress scale say can contribute to illness, all at the same time.  He was so great during this period that I kept expecting a halo to appear around his head while he proclaimed, "I am an angel, sent by God, to tell you that He loves you."  

But most miraculous of all, during this overwhelmingly stressful time, he could make me laugh.

We soon came to realize that we had a LOT of fun together.  All the time. Everywhere.  We can have as much fun at the grocery store as we have on vacation, and sitting around the house together is the source of much merriment to us.  We followed our bliss right into marriage.

When we were getting married, one of my friends was wishing me well, when she paused, thought for a minute, and then said, knowingly, “You will never be bored.”  It sounded a little like an ancient curse when she said it, but she was absolutely right.  We have never been bored, not for one minute.

Last week when we were celebrating our ninth anniversary with 100 or so of our best Friends (thanks to Facebook), someone said, “You too must have SO much fun together, ALL the time.”  Why yes, yes we do.  Even after nine years of marriage, we are having fun together every day.

It’s not that there haven’t been challenges - we have seen more than our fair share in these past nine years.  It’s life, you know, and things happen.  But we have a great gift of seeing the humor in life’s moments, both good and bad, and finding the joy in each other, in “us.” 

We’re laughing all the way.


  1. congratulations !! i know you KNOW how lucky you are....cherish every day !! i envy you !

    1. We absolutely actively appreciate our good fortune! Thanks!


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