Monday, June 27, 2011

The Great Weight Loss Challenge

My husband and I like to think of ourselves as youthful, fun loving folks. That’s all in our minds, of course, and our bodies continue to age no matter what we think about it. Both of us have been told by various doctors that losing weight might help or alleviate some of our troublesome conditions related to aging, so we finally bit the bullet, and, hand in hand, joined Weight Watchers.

Weight Watchers and I go way back, all the way to 1980. At the time I was just a fraction of what I weigh now and ashamed to be "fat" at a weight that I now consider to be VERY thin. However, I desperately wanted to lose 20 pounds so that I could wear a size 9/10 wedding dress to my first wedding.

The program worked, with its mixture of foods from different food groups (which were determined based on the nutritional value of the foods). I faithfully followed the program, weighing in weekly and attending the motivational meetings. I was proud when I met my goal, became a lifetime member and earned a black Weight Watchers pin, which I still have. Over time, I regained the weight and then some, because maintenance was not something Weight Watchers or I had mastered back in the 80’s.

The biggest difference going into the program now is that it isn’t really about weight this time. I am no longer ashamed of my weight and am totally comfortable in my own skin. I know now that people of various shapes and sizes can be healthy and attractive. My husband absolutely thinks I am beautiful just the way I am, and it has nothing to do with my weight. I am, however, very interested in being in good health. For me, eating right and exercising always seems to result in weight loss, so my optimum weight is definitely less than my current weight.

So here I am back in Weight Watchers, after all these years. I have to hand it to them, they have continued to take what they know about nutrition and tweak and revise the program to continually make it better, more effective and workable. The Points Plus program is light years ahead of the program I followed in 1980, totally flexible and actually individualized. I can keep track of my food and progress online, in addition to weighing in in person.

The other big difference this time around is that my husband and I are doing this together. While I had support from people around me in the past, and the meetings were always there if I needed them, it is different - and better - to be doing it with your life partner and housemate. In our case, it is just one more adventure we are exploring together, and we are actually enjoying the process.

It feels a little like we are in our own weight-loss reality show, without the abusive trainers and hosts or the downright dangerous forced exercise routines (no one forced us to run a mile our first day on the program). But it is about surviving challenges, in a way. There’s the Doughnuts and Birthday Cake at the Staff Meeting Challenge (just say no). There’s Eating Out at a Real Restaurant (that doesn’t provide nutritional counts for its food) Challenge – can you pass up the bread and the delicious dipping sauce which you did not account for when planning your meal ahead of time looking at the menu online? The Pizza Challenge - can you stop at just one or two pieces, so that you can eat something other than fruits or vegetables for dinner? You get the idea.

Of course, there’s no prize money, but there is a pay-off in weekly weight loss and long term improved health. And we can all be winners here – no one gets voted off this island.

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