Monday, November 18, 2013

Ten Things You Didn't Know About Rip

When I saw the latest "thing" on Facebook sharing a number of things people might not know about you I thought "Hey, that would be a great blog topic!" So here we go....

1.  I was a cheerleader in high school.  People who know me well are surprised to discover this unless they went to high school with me. Look it was a fluke, okay? I tried out on a lark, and I made it solely because of my loudness scores.

2.  I attended a dozen Grateful Dead concerts as an adult. People who DON'T know me well are surprised by this. To clarify, I did not quit my day job, wear tie-dye, sell beads or follow the band around in a van.  I was a once-a-year Deadhead who just joined the party when they performed in Pittsburgh, like a Christian who only goes to church on Easter and Christmas.

3.  I have never lived more than 39 miles away from my childhood home.

4. I vehemently HATE the sound of bagpipes more than any other sound on earth, even more than the sound of fingernails on a blackboard. I have given my loved ones only one instruction for my funeral- no bagpipes!! Thankfully, I am not Scottish.

5. I am completely unsentimental when it comes to inanimate objects (including former high school buildings) but am completely emotional when it comes to people, even sometimes people who I don't actually know (e.g. Friends of Friends).

6. I have absolutely no understanding of or tolerance for mean-spirited people.  Mr. Rip says that my instruction book is one page long and can be summed up in four words, "Be nice  to me." I mean, really, is that so hard?  I have never really forgiven anyone for any slight they've ever bestowed upon me.  I probably should work on that - maybe after I finish this blog.

7. I am afraid of horses, ever since I broke my pelvis in two places when one threw me.  The nightmares have stopped, but I'll still cross the street to avoid being too close to one.

8.  I met Geraldine Ferraro when we both participated in a national child care forum that was moderated by Paula Zahn and covered on the CBS early morning show.  Geraldine was there because she was the first woman to run on a Presidential ticket.  I was there because I was one of the winners of the "Three Life Lessons I Want for My Child" essay contest sponsored by Good Housekeeping and Kindercare.  Come to think of it, neither of us were exactly child care experts.  Geraldine showed us all family snapshots of her newly born grandchild at lunch.

9. I interviewed Judd Winick of "The Real World San Francisco" for the Washington (PA)  Observer Reporter when he spoke at  California University of Pennsylvania.

10. According to a recent survey I took, I am a closet introvert.  That one came as a surprise to even me.


  1. My first reaction to this list was SHOCK that I only knew 7 of the 10 things about you. Then I realized that if I ever were to make a list about me, the first item would be that every thing in my world revolves about me!

  2. Hmmm, just curious - what DIDN'T you know? If you didn't know I was an introvert, that doesn't really count - I didn't even know that.


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