Sunday, January 29, 2012

Under the Gunn

This past week Tim Gunn decided to share his personal experience to enhance the panel discussion on celibacy by choice on The Revolution, the new show with lifestyle experts helping us to improve our lives.  He revealed that he had not had sex in 29 years, and that it didn’t bother him at all, that he was living a happy, fulfilled life without sex.

Um, okay, I was a little surprised by this admission but I guess I could understand it.  It did serve the discussion and made a point, and it was his truth to tell.  But then he decided to elaborate.  I watched on in horror.  He hesitated a moment saying that what he was about to say was very personal.  Danger, Will Robinson, danger!  “Then don’t say it,” I pleaded aloud, just wanting to crawl through the television to stop him.  He went on to explain some very  intimate details of what had happened in his previous relationship that led to the decision.

Oh, Tim, you know I think the world of you.  You are a fabulous fashion consultant, and a caring and helpful mentor to the designers on Project Runway.  I applaud your willingness to be open in an effort to advance acceptance of celibate people everywhere.   But that last part?  That was the epitome of TMI.   The nation and I did not need to know all this information that you should really only be discussing with your therapist, or maybe a few very close friends.  But not with your mother, Tim- never with your mother.  Trust me your mother does not want to know that much about your sex life.

I guess I’m not really ready for the Revolution, because I think that there ought to be a line that you just don’t cross. There used to be a line.  Where has the line gone, I ask you?  I know that in this world of reality television and full disclosure that people are revealing more than ever before, but there are some things that really should remain private.  Look I understand how it is. I write this blog every week, and I’m on Facebook every day. I share some information about myself and my life, but honestly, you do not know everything about me.
It’s bad enough when the gossipmongers dig up some personal information about celebrities and then reveal it to the world.  But when the celebrities do it themselves, I just have to wonder why.  Also falling into the category of information that I did not need to know this week was the fact that Pat Sajak and Vanna White were often drunk when they were recording early episodes of Wheel of Fortune.  Pat told an interviewer that Vanna and he used to go to have dinner at a local Mexican restaurant during their break, and enjoy a few margaritas before returning to the studio to record the last show or two.  Well, we all had our youthful indiscretions, and it wasn’t like they were flying an airplane or performing surgery while under the influence, but what exactly was the point of sharing that?

Then, if all that wasn’t enough, this week Fran Drescher revealed that her ex-husband and she had both been abducted by aliens, at the same time, before they met, when they were in junior high.  Of course, she was just joking.  Right?  PLEASE tell me she was just joking…


  1. I'm sure Fran Drescher was joking. I think she's actually an extremely intelligent person.
    (And if I were a few decades younger I could probably remember what I read about her that gave me that impression!)

  2. it does seem that people give away WAY too much info these days...i think tim gunn looks bad on this show....he seems to shake a bit..and looks really nervous....i dont know if it's a good fit for him...sad..cause i do like him on project runway.... (i didnt see the episonde you refer to...have it on looking forward to seeing it now...enter sarcasm here)

  3. I'm pretty sure that Fran Drescher was joking.

    I've never actually seen a whole episode of The Revolution - I just saw the article about what Tim Gunn said, and then I watched that particular clip on YouTube. I'll probably check it out next time I'm home on a weekday, but I'm not sure when THAT will be.

  4. Actually, I do know everything about you. ;) W


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