Sunday, June 23, 2013

Room on "The View"

Mr. Bill Geddie
Ms. Barbara Walters
c/o The View
320W. 66th Street
New York, NY 10023

Dear Bill and Barbara:

May I call you Bill and Barbara?  I feel as though I know you personally as I am such a fan of the The View.

I must admit that I am a little conflicted about all the changes coming to what I once referred to as "my absolute favorite daytime television program" in this very blog.  I love the ladies of The View just the way they are, and I'm nervous watching the parade of guest hosts who are clearly auditioning.

I watch daily, so your ultimate choice does affect me.  Respectfully, may I make a suggestion?  Honestly, I would like to see someone like me on The View, at least as a guest host.  You know, an everyday citizen with the qualities you are seeking who is initially unknown to your viewers,  so that they will be unaffected by any preconceived notions related to her celebrity.

Why not try someone like me out as a guest co-host, especially in your self-proclaimed Year of the Viewer? As a matter of fact, why not try me?

Here are the Top Ten Reasons to Have Rip as a Guest Host on The View:

1).  I watch the show every single day, so I'm familiar with your routine.

2).  I keep up on the news and pop culture of the day. I peruse the local paper online and watch a LOT of television, including the local morning news and Hot Topics on The View.  Oh, and I found out that Osama Bin Laden was killed on Facebook, although I didn't believe it until verifying it with a reputable news source.

3). I am a member of a large Italian family, and I have THREE sisters, and so I am used to holding my own in a conversation when everyone is talking at once.

4).  I have strong, serious and well informed opinions on the issues, and pretty much everything else, but no matter what I say people think it's funny.

5). I respect the opinions of others, even when they're wrong or disagree with me, which of course is the same thing.

6). I've been told that I'm a pretty good storyteller, or maybe they just said I talk a lot, but either way it works for the show.

7).  I was a freelance journalist for several Pittsburgh area newspapers for a few years, so I have interviewing and reporting skills.

8).  I've done some acting in community theater and a whole lot of public speaking so I should be  comfortable speaking with a live audience present.

9).  I jump at any chance for a quick trip to New York City,  and being a Guest Host on The View seems like as good an excuse as any.

10). I write this weekly humor column called "Rip Aches All Over" in the form of a blog that you are reading right now.  An appearance on The View would be an amazing chance to promote the column, which may help me later as I try to syndicate it.

Surely, you can see what a win-win situation this could be for all of us.  So what do you say?  Can this faithful viewer be a Guest Host on The View in the Year of the Viewer?

Let's talk.  Have your people call my people...wait, I don't have any people, so just call (or e-mail) me.

Here's hoping that I can take a little of your time to enjoy The View.


Sharon "Rip" Ciraulo Wolf


  1. I will be more than happy to serve as "your people" any day of the week.

  2. Thanks, Aja! :-) You're hired! Hear that, Bill and Barbara? I have people!

  3. Hey! I thought I was your people!

    1. You're my number one guy! But you can also be my people. Look, I'm building my "entourage." :-)


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