Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Who's on First

Sometimes when you get to be my age you begin to believe all the hype that you are too old to ever do something you’ve never done before.
This thesis was supported when a Friend posted one of those lists on Facebook where you are supposed
to choose the activities that you haven’t tried.  There were only seven of the 24 listed that I hadn’t tried, because I’ve tried some things in my life. I also realized those seven things were things that I was never going to try.  Things like scuba diving, or sky diving or skinny dipping have always been on my list of things to successfully avoid doing until I die.
Then came my magical week of firsts.
It all started when  my husband and I ate outside at a restaurant on purpose.  You see, we don’t eat
outside. There are bugs and weather and wind and pollen there. But it was an exceptionally nice night, and I remarked casually that if there was ever a night for eating outside this was it.  Next thing I know my husband was asking the host if we could be seated outside, and there we were having a perfectly lovely dinner experience on the sidewalk of the restaurant.
During that very meal a second first occurred for me.  I ate the drippy grilled cheese sandwich I ordered
without spilling anything on my shirt.  This was more than just a first. It might have been a last. I sometimes, rarely, manage to eat a meal without spilling anything on my shirt, but it never happens when there is any drippy food on my plate.  
The streak continued the next day when I went into Target and only bought the item I went to the store
to purchase.  Yes, you heard me correctly. I did not purchase even one extra item. I don’t even have to tell you what an accomplishment that was.
Later that week, I was going to a work-related meeting in Turtle Creek.  I’ve been to Turtle Creek before
but I never went there from Allison Park, where my office is located, and the GPS took me on an entirely unfamiliar route.  When I left the meeting, I said to myself, “That was a pretty straight shot; I am sure I can get back without putting the GPS on.”  
Mind you, saying this was not new to me.  I say this kind of thing to myself all the time.  Then, I inevitably
take a wrong turn on my way back, and have to turn on the GPS after all. This time I really did drive back to my office by reversing the directions without turning on the GPS, or taking a wrong turn.  Another first.
But the best, brightest first of the week was still to come.
I sang “Lean on Me” backed up by the North Hills Harmony Line Chorus, a men’s barbershop choral group,
in a fundraising concert they were putting on for the non-profit organization for which I work.  It was an arrangement written by my husband, a Harmony LIne Chorus member.  
It was the first time I ever sang an a cappella solo  backed up by an entire chorus. I was the first woman
to ever sing with the Harmony Line Chorus. I never aspired to front a choral group, and I never, ever thought I would be the first woman - or person, for that matter- to do, well, anything.  
Sure, I was pretty terrified.  I didn’t want to let down the Chorus, or my husband, or my non-profit. 
As it turns out, the entire process was more rewarding than I thought possible.
I had the opportunity to work with a gifted conductor, and the kindest group of guys with whom you’d
ever hope to make music on a piece of music arranged by the talented Mr Rip.  They could not have been more welcoming and accommodating to me. I can't vouch for me but the chorus sounded great, and I sang the right words and notes at the right time. It was a thrill and an honor.
I can’t wait to see what new opportunities 2020 holds.

On This Day My Child Was Born

    It was February 13 th .  I was 8 ½ months pregnant and returning to work after my weekly gynecologist appointment. My doctor said he...