Saturday, April 9, 2016

Rip Goes to the Polls

I don’t have much stomach for the political process.  I really find this Presidential primary season particularly distressing with the campaign platforms built on hatred and fear and polarization, and the name-calling, and the let’s-win-this-thing-by-smearing-our-opponent attitudes. 

There have been many times in the past that I found myself in the unenviable position of voting against the most objectionable candidate for President of the United States.

However, in the current cesspool of opportunistic scoundrels seeking the highest office in our land, there is one shining light – one candidate who is everything the other candidates are not, who is eminently qualified for the position.

This time, I will be enthusiastically voting FOR a candidate, and that candidate is Hillary Clinton.  When I cast my vote for Secretary Clinton-

I will vote for EXPERIENCE – Hillary Clinton was a very involved First Lady, a very popular and productive two-term Senator from New York, and (by all accounts) one of the best Secretaries of State this nation has ever seen. No one else in the race comes close to matching her in experience.

I will vote for KNOWLEDGE and INTELLIGENCE- Hillary Clinton has time and time again demonstrated that she has in-depth knowledge of domestic and foreign affairs and a firm grasp on the state of the nation and the world. Furthermore, she has a plan on how to address the issues of the day, and a reputation for doing her homework and being prepared.

I will vote for PRAGMATISM and PERSPECTIVE – Hillary Clinton knows how to get things done – how to work with people across the board to achieve a goal.  She knows when and how to compromise, and the value of incremental change.

I will vote for TRUTH – Hillary Clinton tells the truth more often than any of the other candidates according to Politifacts, a site that provides in-depth analysis of statements made by candidates and rates them as True, Mostly True, Mostly False or False.

I will vote for COMPASSION- Hillary Clinton cares deeply about people – all the people in the nation and the world.  She has advocated for women’s rights, LGBT rights, racial equality and making health care available and affordable for everyone.

I will vote for RESILIENCE and PERSEVERANCE - Hillary Clinton has withstood vicious and unfounded attacks on her character and her performance for decades. Nonetheless, she continues to pursue her life’s work of public service for the greater good.

I will vote for CLASS – Hillary Clinton has conducted herself in a dignified manner throughout her career and this campaign which has included terribly ugly assaults on her character, her motivations, and her integrity.

I will vote for the DEMOCRAT – Hillary Clinton is a true-blue Democrat who supports her party unequivocally and has done so for her entire adult life.  She is the only Democrat running for the Democratic nomination right now.

I will vote for LOVE AND KINDNESS rather than fear and hatred.  I will vote for Hillary Clinton. 

On This Day My Child Was Born

    It was February 13 th .  I was 8 ½ months pregnant and returning to work after my weekly gynecologist appointment. My doctor said he...