Sunday, August 16, 2015

Dream a Little Dream

I am a boring dreamer.

Here's what I can tell you about my dreams.  Sometimes they are vivid nightmares and sometimes I have dreams that are beyond mundane, like dreaming that I am at work on a typical workday.  When I wake up I am usually happy to realize it was a dream. In the five minutes after I wake when I can remember the details of the dream there is no mystery about its deeper meaning.  There really is no deeper meaning- it usually relates directly to something going on in my life.

One things always the same.  An hour after I wake up I don't remember the dream or anything that happened in it. 

The reason I'm telling you all of this is because I just woke up from a dream I actually want to remember, so I thought I'd better write it down.

In my dream, Mr. Rip and I were walking into our local Eat n Park to get some coffee to take out and I noticed that Paul McCartney was standing at the bakery counter.  Just as we passed, Paul (I feel that I can call him Paul now) saw that I recognized him and reached out and touched my elbow playfully and said, "Hey!" in that Liverpool accent of his.

Now I am not one to get too impressed by celebrities, and I generally don't bother them if I run into them at my local Eat n Park, but this was Paul McCartney, and he just recognized my existence and touched me.  I couldn't help but glance back at him. 

Then he started to walk over. Was Paul McCartney coming over to chat with me? "Hello," he said.

"Um, hi," I answered.  I hesitated, trying to think of what to say now that it seemed I was going to be making small talk with Paul McCartney in the Eat n Park in Wexford. Telling him that John was my favorite Beatle didn't seem appropriate.

He saw me struggling to find something meaningful to say, and (helping me along in a self-mocking cocky way), said "I know, you know all me music."

I was ready with a comeback.  This should have tipped me off that this was a dream since this never happens in real life.

"Well, I've heard some of your music, and you know I think it's pretty good."  He looked at me for a minute and then broke into a hardy laugh.

Then I woke up.  It was actually appropriate that Paul would appear to me in a dream, as I read an interview with him once where he revealed that the song Yesterday came to him in a dream. If I ever had an iconic song come to me in my sleep, I forgot it an hour after waking up.

I do feel pretty self-satisfied that I could engage in witty repartee with a legendary Beatle, if only in my dreams.

On This Day My Child Was Born

    It was February 13 th .  I was 8 ½ months pregnant and returning to work after my weekly gynecologist appointment. My doctor said he...